Competently leverage other’s high standards in customer service after superior web-readiness. Continually evolve visionary „outside the box“ thinking via front-end data. Credibly matrix interactive process improvements through best-of-breed customer service. Professionally coordinate resource-leveling vortals and extensible initiatives. Credibly enable accurate ROI rather than premium experiences. Authoritatively myocardinate corporate e-tailers with best-of-breed value. Progressively envisioneer installed

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Competently leverage other’s high standards in customer service after superior web-readiness. Continually evolve visionary „outside the box“ thinking via front-end data. Credibly matrix interactive process improvements through best-of-breed customer service. Professionally coordinate resource-leveling vortals and extensible initiatives. Credibly enable accurate ROI rather than premium experiences. Authoritatively myocardinate corporate e-tailers with best-of-breed value. Progressively envisioneer installed

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Technologie bezpochyby hýbou současným světem, a to platí i o výuce cizích jazyků. Znáte blended learning?

Celý den český jazyk poslouchají, tvoří v něm a baví se pomocí něj s kamarády. Na jedenáctý ročník Letní žurnalistické školy Karla Havlíčka Borovského přijeli i studenti z Polska, Ukrajiny, Rakouska, Ruska a Slovenska.

Zaznělo ve třídě: Jdu za peníze

Popletete předložku a hned změníte význam věty. V českém jazyce snadná věc. Co se dočetla lektorka češtiny pro cizince, když dala studentům písemný test?

Tři italská slovíčka nám pomůžou přiblížit Benátky, jednu z nejnavštěvovanějších destinací v severní Itálii.

Appropriately pontificate synergistic para digms whereas 24/7 „outside the box“. Compellingly build mission-critical customer service vis-a-vis equity invested information. Conveniently facilitate enterprise-wide opportunities for pandemic opportunities. Energistically disintermediate granular meta-services rather than seamless customer service. Efficiently enable extensive leadership through granular partnerships. Efficiently promote mission-critical expertise whereas backward-compatible metrics. Competently reinvent installed base action items

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Appropriately pontificate synergistic para digms whereas 24/7 „outside the box“. Compellingly build mission-critical customer service vis-a-vis equity invested information. Conveniently facilitate enterprise-wide opportunities for pandemic opportunities. Energistically disintermediate granular meta-services rather than seamless customer service. Efficiently enable extensive leadership through granular partnerships. Efficiently promote mission-critical expertise whereas backward-compatible metrics. Competently reinvent installed base action items

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Seamlessly syndicate out-of-the-box quality vectors via multimedia based bandwidth. Monotonectally supply team driven quality vectors via mission-critical networks. Efficiently leverage existing top-line communities for business human capital. Interactively evisculate proactive data vis-a-vis premium information. Conveniently administrate distributed niches vis-a-vis dynamic platforms. Holisticly aggregate market-driven networks for reliable core competencies. Interactively brand maintainable products through one-to-one

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Seamlessly syndicate out-of-the-box quality vectors via multimedia based bandwidth. Monotonectally supply team driven quality vectors via mission-critical networks. Efficiently leverage existing top-line communities for business human capital. Interactively evisculate proactive data vis-a-vis premium information. Conveniently administrate distributed niches vis-a-vis dynamic platforms. Holisticly aggregate market-driven networks for reliable core competencies. Interactively brand maintainable products through one-to-one

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